
The power of your subconscious mind to achieve your goals

You must provide positive mental images that you wake up in constructive daily emotions like love , joy , gratitude that engrave in your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. Mentally correct your past bad attitudes. If you notice , in a given situation , you react badly , immediately pull the consequences and correct on your behavior to achieve your goals.
workplace morale
workplace morale : The power of your subconscious mind to achieve your goals

When you make a mistake , pull lessons for future. Be aware of your failures , forgive yourself and forget it .Free yourself from your past, settle all your debts which whether material or moral . you can not reach your objectives that have settled your accounts with the past. no bank will give you credit if you have not met your contract and paid your debts .While you will not realize your mistakes, it would be useless to pursue other projects , you not be at the level to achieve your goals . If tensions exist between a person and you meet there, write to him , call him. But the best is a dating face to face to clarify the situation well .The interior cleaning is necessary and beneficial for release your energy and achieve your goals. when you set a conflict , you release energy. this energy becomes a vital force at your disposal for you concentrate on your plans to achieve your goals .Your subconscious records everything , it does not make a difference between actual situations and the ones you think. you therefore have within you the ability to reprogram your subconscious with some imagination or visualization techniques.You have a bad reaction to a given situation. Locate the best course of action to overcome this failure and achieve your goals. When you find the solution to this problem, mentally relive this situation, but this Once properly responding .Think of it more extensively as possible the new position . Make a short film which you are the actor. Detail as possible , the colors , shapes, smells, sensations. You should definitely represent you this scene visually. Become an actor in this scene , participate in them intensely to achieve your goals .
Thereby correcting bad behavior , your subconscious save this new version and when you faced with similar situations , it will replace the reaction unwanted by the one you want . Your unconscious is easily malleable if you give him good indications. This will become a sixth sense to achieve your objectives .

Remember when you learned to drive, the difficultiesyou seemed insurmountable to master driving a vehicle. After a few sessions , you no longer need think to change gears properly. The more you sessions , you'll master more easily and quickly behaviors that you want to achieve your objectives . 

Make two sessions per day . Before each session , make sure not to be disturbed by the phone, your children etc. ..

Try as much as possible to always do your sessions at the same time in the same room in a quiet location . the best time is in the evening before going to sleep, because your subconscious record your desired new location more easily and intensely to achieve your goals .

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