
workplace morale : Identify workplace harassment

Suffering at work is a real problem today. Before men and women would collapse, victims of burnout due to harassment, how to prevent and stop this process? Answers with Marie-France Hirigoyen , psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, who published Prejudice, moral violence everyday.

Identify workplace harassment
Identify workplace harassment
How do you define bullying at work?
For me, workplace bullying is defined as an abuse (gestures, words, attitudes, behaviors ...) that infringes by repetition and systematization, dignity or integrity physical or psychic person. Conduct will therefore jeopardize the employment of that person or degrading work environment.
It is important to differentiate between bullying stress, or the occasional aggression, or even poor general working conditions in the company.
Bullying has certain characteristics:
- Attacks are often individualized. They target a specific person, and always the same.
- These attacks are repeated constantly.
- They generally do not relate to the quality of work of the person harassed, but its intimacy is the being who is attacked, not expertise.
- Finally, the characteristic of bullying is that no two parties divided by conflict, there is a dominant and dominated, and especially no objective reason for this sudden surge of contempt and even hatred .
The "stalker" never told his victim he reproaches him for the reason that these criticisms are mostly untold time. Harassment most often arises a problem of jealousy, rivalry, or hidden in a company secrets (misappropriation, embezzlement ...) that some have the misfortune to approach too close.

 workplace morale 
Everyone Can be a day morally harassed at work?
I think anyone can be a victim one day, whatever his personality structure. But some are more prepared than others to defend themselves: including people who have real confidence in themselves and can rely on a solid and safe family friendly environment.
The people involved are most often those who have a lot invested in their work and who are aware do well. Or those who have a different profile from the other, by their too great ease, their strong personalities and even the color of their skin or their sexuality. These bother some people.
Contrary to what one might think, the "bullies" are not necessarily intended for someone weaknesses but more for its non-compliance. They therefore apply a Japanese saying that I find very explicit: "The nail that sticks meet the hammer."
They will then seek to isolate their victims by all means possible to then continually attacked for no reason. And it is this lack of reason that rapidly lose ground. The harassed person does not understand what is happening to him, trying to make sense of the attacks but never get a response. She ends up doubting herself, does not know what is normal or not the behavior of others and his own. The gear is unfortunately very fast.

 workplace morale 
How to get out of such situations?
It is important to react more quickly because the situation of harassment continues, the consequences will be more traumatic and deep, and the victim will struggle to recover.
Harassment procedure is very insidious, but some light still flashing on its way. You should identify those behaviors, actions or words that attack, and do not let go. Most often, the person harassed prefer to forget, because it does not understand or because they are ashamed (common attitude in cases of sexual harassment). Must verbalize these attacks, telling his entourage to not let the isolation move. Anything that does not seem right to be said. And if the feeling of being a victim appears, you must respond. It is often useful to confront the aggressor and asked for explanations if she admits that something is wrong, it is a conflict between two people that can be set. If she denies it, but thereafter continues to attack, this is harassment.
In these cases, it is very important to talk about, if possible, someone inside the company or outside. You should contact the labor inspectorate, a lawyer or a union. To better defend themselves, I also advise anyone harassed note every day attacks directed against it. And if that person is deeply destabilizing, it must be done to support a psychological and medical.
 workplace morale 

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