
How to move forward and keep workplace morale despite the gloomy atmosphere?

Morning scene in the Paris Metro: "You've heard the news? Things go wrong, and they provide no improvement "-" Yes, in my inbox, we talk about restructuring, it does not feel good ... "-" Restructuring, downsizing? I'll tell you all about mega-layoffs "And thus, insidious, like a spot of oil ready to make us skid on the road, spreading negativity!. Accustomed as we are to purr resigned, we do realize even more aware. It can be freely permeate our minds. 
workplace morale

workplace morale

But sometimes just a small change in vocabulary reinvigorating strength and optimism in his days. Lyndi and Van der Hout, occupational psychologist, but also human relations consultant and accompanying executives in career transition ("I myself have at least three activities and four different statutes," she notes with malice), has decided one day to qualify otherwise.Find his creativity

Instead of saying "precarious" it is called "mobile worker" and says this in a dynamic blog. "It's a name that contains the concepts of freedom, adventure and adaptability, she said. All qualities that are necessary today, as we enter a new era where the linear career and tied to a single company which we made in terms of salary, progress, etc.. is now complete. " At the individual to adapt, so even if there is still a pity that companies, for their part, do not work to provide a framework for this new flexibilit
How to move forward and keep workplace morale despite the gloomy atmosphere?
So instead of talking about recruiting "senior", the consultant suggests that HR managers to take "the best person for the job." A simple label change that alters the look of the candidates on their situation. Recovery and psychic mobility, this energy that finds its creativity.

In the same vein, Florence Lautrédou, coach and analyst, encourages clients to find their "database" personal, ie the resources they have used in past storms. "At forty, fifty years, it has all gone through difficult times, she says. Curiously, we forget the tremendous resources that we put into play to overcome the problems. They are always there, just to contact you. "Taking Action

How to move forward and keep workplace morale despite the gloomy atmosphere?
Other original antidote, which allows everyone to keep a sense of power over his life to take action. "If we can not control a situation, we can choose against by some of our reactions to it, says the analyst. Do what we have to do the best you can, move the first steps of a project, or send resume - even if it is still in office - give the feeling to return the levers on things to our scope. The action is thus always désangoissante. "

Lyndi Van der Hout goes even further: "detach from what was until then, dare to meet people who are not in our circle, take risks, these new behaviors will dig new paths in our brain . Once we discovered this amazing plasticity of the brain, which is reinforced by the experience, it starts with enthusiasm! "

This call to think differently has the wind in its sails. As rational and logical mind do not seem effective to overcome the current crisis or to calm the anxiety it creates, many professionals psyche invite us to seek further our right brain, the seat of the intuition, empathy, "emotional intelligence."

"INTERVIEW -" In times of crisis, we must reinvest in intimacy "A fundamental resource: mutual

Robert Dilts, great American consultant, says that "it never solves a problem where it's going," says Florence Lautrédou. By deciding to look at my life up like a helicopter, and finding my own ways to recharge my batteries, unique to me, I go out of my helplessness. "

A return to authenticity and its values ​​to strengthen? Of course, everyone has to learn and whether they are hours of an endurance sport or practicing a musical instrument that help especially in these difficult times.

But this should not obscure the fundamental resource: support. "It is our true life force says Lyndi Van der Hout. If you do not have the support of others, now it is lost very quickly. "Interactions of teamwork, skills assessment with others in transition or even investing their time to participate in a choir, everything will be good to escape the true evil that threatens our time: the isolation.

workplace morale

How to move forward and keep workplace morale despite the gloomy atmosphere?

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